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News production assignment (Video Sample)

Friday, April 1, 2011

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Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Mangalore University.

Year: - 2006-07

Despite the minimum access to the department’s studio and softwares needed for producing a 'professional look' news program, this project as part of our practical assignment was prepared at the MCJ studio and editing done in my room at the university's men's hostel.

1. At that time, students were not allowed to bring computers/laptops in the hostels.
2. Keeping the PC unit hidden was another great skill I achieved. :) I emptied my cupboard and placed the LCD monitor along with the CPU on the first rack and after using it had to put a lock so that hostel mates will not be alerted with the news that "Robert is keeping a PC!"
3. The truth cannot be hidden forever. So, news soon spread about 'Robert's PC' and thankfully no one alerted Dr. Uday, the warden.
4. After the breaking news, MBA and MTA students brought new laptops! Soon, I realized I had become a revolutionary leader :)
5. The editing of this video took me almost 3 weeks as I had to assemble some video editing and 3D Graphic softwares on my own. Luckily, Nishanth was ready to sit by my side for hours together.
6. There was no teleprompter so we had to write down the news stories on chart papers.
7. Our anchor and team member Ms Remya brought her brother's laptop to make the scene look more professional. The laptop was on switch off mode :)
8. The shooting was completed with over a dozen 'cuts' and 'retakes'.
9. An advertisement shot was ripped from one of my Hindi DVDs.
10. Production team members:- Robert, Nishnath, Remya, Princy Thomas.

Thank you for your vist. Have a question ? Contact on : lalmalsawm(at)yahoo(dot)com.
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