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The Reader

Sunday, April 5, 2009

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Adapted from Bernhard Schlink’s bestseller, ‘The Reader’ follows the trials and tribulations of a thirty-plus tram-conductor Hanna (Kate Winslet), who seduces a 15-year-old schoolboy.

Set in the post Warld War-II Germany, Hanna and Michael (David Kross) have a love affair during which he would read plays from his school book to her. However, when hard working Hanna gets a better career option she disappears suddenly from Michael’s life leaving him heart broken. A few years later Michael, now a law student, accidentally sees her again but this time in a courtroom where Hanna is facing trial for Nazi war crimes.

The film’s morally complex plot revolves around Germany’s guilt and its desire to meet international obligation in providing justice to the Holocaust victims. Director Stephen Daldry manages to create a balanced view of the issue with more emphasis being given to the lives of the people separated by fate. The screenplay and script were both Oscar-oriented so what you get is originally awesome.

Good performances from all the cast members and exceptionally the best so far from Kate Winslet thereby winning her the ‘Best Actress’ at the Oscars for her portrayal of a straightforward and innocent woman who just wanted to earn her livelihood. Ralph Fiennes is confident as an adult Michael who remains afraid of another face-to-face meeting with his ex-flame.

‘The Reader’ moves along slowly but it remains a heart-moving film on emotional attachment and the capability of books to humanise the hard realities.
English (A)
Cast: Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, David Kross
Director: Stephen Daldry
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