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Do we need another nuclear-armed nation?

Monday, May 25, 2009

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With North Korea announcing its second 'successful nuclear tests' yesterday the Korean peninsular crisis became much more complex rather than easing the ongoing reconciliation process.

North Korea proudly claimed: “The successful nuclear test is greatly inspiring the army and people of the DPRK [North Korea].”

“The test will contribute to defending the sovereignty of the country and the nation and socialism and ensuring peace and security on the Korean Peninsula,” it added.

The question the world community should now be asking is whether we need nuclear weapons to root-out our enemies. Also, why should we destroy the world as well as our enemies at the same time. We can at least be good to 'mother earth' who had given mankind so much. If we really wanted to settle score points with our enemies we can just keep the conventional ways, like, using our AK-47s or even kungfu fighting?

We have one world and now over seven nuclear-armed states all set to destroy it whenever they wanted to. Even in times of peace nuclear weapons are a danger. It is time leaders of the world seriously contemplate on behaving like a 'nuclear family' and sort out their differences in amicable ways without threatening the other.

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Mizohican said...

No we don't... but thinking from North Korea's perspective or any other Nation that is capable of producing nukes, they won't consider it fair if they are not allowed to produce nukes while the big five (plus two) continue to produce them, right? :) I say get rid of all the nukes in this world, though that is extremely unrealistic.

NAhai said...

D/illusionaire, I think you are absolutely right in saying that the Big 5 and 2 others need to disarm first before condemning N Korea. And at the same time one of the best qualities in men is that there will always be people like you and others who will continue to voice against nuclear weapons.

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